Hi, i’m Jennifer.

After becoming the first known person in my family to be diagnosed with a mental health condition I felt lost, alone and scared. It was that sense of fear and isolation that lead me to the thought that has become my life’s work that no one experiencing poor mental health or mental illness should ever feel that they are on their own.

Whether you are experiencing or supporting someone through a period of poor mental health, mental illness, or you want to increase your own knowledge, I can help.

With a decade of working within the mental health and wellbeing sector, my own personal lived experience, and your willingness to support those around you, we can be the change that saves a life.

Why educate yourself in mental health?

Because just like physical health we all have mental health. We are taught from a very young age how to manage our physical health but how much do we really know about maintaining and protecting our mental health.


The very fact you are here shows that you have an interest in learning more about mental health and supporting those that may be experiencing an episode of poor mental health or mental illness. This is your sign, contact me today.

Still not sure?

Here’s a statistic for you. 1 in 4 will experience a mental health problem each year. It is likely that if not you someone in your circle needs some support.