Here is what people said

  • Animated and interactive

    “I was very impressed with how Jen delivered the course with respect but in an animated and interactive fashion that enabled me to absorb a lot of content without feeling overwhelmed. She was also appropriately humorous and thought provoking. Very natural and relaxed presentation skills.”

    MHFA 2 day

  • Would highly recommend

    “From the moment the course started we were made to feel comfortable; Jen was welcoming and put us at ease straight away. Her knowledge is outstanding and no question was too big or small. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would highly recommend it.”

    MHFA 2 day

  • Inspirational

    “Very informative and interesting. I honestly came away thinking how inspirational Jen is for overcoming her adversity and being where she is today. I knew some things about mental health from my own experience of it but it definitely made me feel more confident in knowing how to support others through their journeys.”

    Public speaking event

How you’ll feel

more confident to support those who are experienceing a mental health issue

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  • Professional local trainer

  • Bespoke sessions to meet your organisations needs

  • Expert local knowledge

  • Competitive prices and discounts for local charities

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